
Michael Vardaro Quoted in Construction Dive

Zetlin & De Chiara LLP’s Managing Partner, Michael J. Vardaro, was quoted in Construction Dive’s column, The Dotted Line on August 29, 2023. Vardaro provided insights on skyrocketing dispute costs in the construction industry.

“Over the past few years, we’ve certainly seen a dramatic increase in claim severities, which is how we say it when the amount goes up,” said Michael Vardaro, a former construction worker and current managing partner at construction law firm Zetlin & De Chiara in New York City. “Big construction disputes arise when there’s not one error or one issue, but a few in combination. That’s when you have a problem, and that’s kind of where things hit.”

Click here to read the full article, “The Dotted Line: How to avoid skyrocketing dispute costs.”

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